
Boot Liners UK


Introducing Boot Liners UK, our new website which is dedicated to protecting your car boot.

Our first boot liner was created in August 2014 for the Ford Kuga (2008-2012). The boot liner was designed to fully cover and protect the cars boot using high quality waterproof and fire retardant quilted material.

Feedback from our customers has enabled us to make significant improvements to the design and we have now created fully tailored boot liners for over 80 vehicles, ranging from the Mercedes ML to the Audi A1.

Key optional features include a removable bumper flap, dropback and seat split option which allows the rear seats to be folded down.

Semi-tailored load liners are available in two sizes and simply clip around the headrest, meaning they are easy to take in and out of your vehicle, making those trips to the tip quick and mess free.

We also offer a range of fully tailored load liners for those who want to just protect the boot floor and the back of the rear seats.

Boot Liners are available in a range of colours and can be customised with a coloured or patterned trim.

Boot Mats can be purchased in 5 different qualities with a range of colours to choose from. We offer rubber boot mats in 4 designs and two thicknesses.